
Flowers by Maison Des Fleurs

Delivery Charges


Minimum Amount

Delivery Charges

Flower Bouquet


To ensure the on-time delivery of your flowers, please make sure to provide us with full address details, along with the telephone number of the intended recipient. Please also give us your telephone number and email address so that we can contact you to confirm your flower delivery.

If you would like us to deliver flower arrangements to locations where a third party is involved, such as offices, hospitals, airports and hotels, the signature of an authorized person (on behalf of the intended recipient) will be considered as proof of delivery.

In the event that we are unable to find someone to accept the delivery or to make contact with the sender or receiver to rearrange the flower delivery, Maison Des Fleurs reserves the right to charge for re-delivery to an alternative address.

Maison Des Fleurs delivers goods to the address provided in good faith and we cannot accept responsibility if the intended recipient is no longer at that address or the receiver refuses or fails to return the items.

Flowers Delivery


Please select your preferred delivery time from the available slots displayed when you place your order.

Delivery charges will apply depending on the area you are requesting delivery to. You can view our delivery rate card above.

If you request a flower delivery to a remote location, or an area that is not included in the locations where Maison Des Fleurs currently delivers, an extra delivery charge will be incurred. You will be notified of these charges once we receive your order.

Please note that certain products may not be available for delivery to certain areas and you will be notified once we receive your order.

Flowers Delivery


We accept online payments using all major credit and debit cards, including Visa and MasterCard

Please follow the steps to place your flower delivery order and payment – providing us with your contact details, delivery address, and the contact details for the recipient.

By clicking the ‘Pay Now’ button at the end of the order process, you agree to our terms and conditions. You can view the terms and conditions here.

Once the order is received and accepted by Maison Des Fleurs, you will receive a confirmation email on the email address provided.

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